“You’re Beautiful” may have come to an end, but our love and appreciation has not. Please join us to show your love and support for A.N.JELLs.
Whether your heart beats for TK or skips for MN, whether you jump with joy for Jeremy or smile for sweet Shin Woo, you are always welcome at YAB International Fan Club. Join the club by sending us (yabinternational@gmail.com) a short mail with your name/nickname/email address (to which we will send you updates) /and country.
Benefits from joining? Besides getting updates, meeting other fans and sharing with other members your addiction you'll have an opporitunity to participate in YAB International projects.
After the success of our 1st project, Flower Power (sending flowers to JGS), we're currently working on the 2nd one called “Cards from around the world. Show your love, Say it with words".
Here is the plan:
1. Sending us your card design (optional but really appreciated)
2. Vote on your favourite design
3. Print selected design
4. Mail your card in the beginning of January (normal mail, not e-cards)
If you're interested here are the details:
1. Card design: Send us a card designed by you for ANJells (to yabinternational@gmail.com). It can be whatever you want: a drawing, graphic, etc. But not sign it with your name, it's going to be a design that all members will use.
Deadline for sending us your design is: 14th December 2009, 12:00 a.m (GMT -11)
2. Voting: All designs will be posted on YAB International fanclub's website and forum (we're working on them so addresses will be added later) for all members to vote on. The one receiving the most love will be selected as final design and will be used to send postcards to all ANJells with it.
Deadline for voting: 21st December 2009, 12a.m (GMT -11)
3. Download and print the final design. Add personal touches such as stickers, bows, sparkles and of course greetings for each ANJell! Remember it's one card per each ANJell, so prepare 4 of them to spread your love equally.
4. Mail your cards to Anjells. We will provide the addresses (and final design) but for fanclub members only.
The cards sending should be done in the beginning of January 2010 as it's a New Year's project.
Before that, we will send a team card with our current (at that time) list of members.
To make this a success and a big surprise for JSG, PSH, HK and YH become a part of this project and a member of YAB International quickly! :)
With lots of love,
Team of YAB International Fanclub